Samue Sashiko Made in Japan – Top quality!

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Samue Sashiko 

The price greatly justifies it. Very nice finishes, very comfortable. High-end Japanese samue, not found anywhere else.

Discover the authenticity of Japan with our Luxury Samue Sashiko, carefully made in Japan. Consisting of loose pants and a Gi kimono jacket, this set embodies Japanese tradition at its peak.

Made from 100 % “Sashiko” rice grain cotton, this garment is lightweight, casual, comfortable and sturdy. Its fabric is thicker than classic Samue, guaranteeing exceptional durability.

Traditionally worn by Buddhist monks for outdoor work, the Samue is ideal for maintaining Japanese gardens and temples. However, please note that it is not suitable for traditional martial arts requiring locks, “Newaza” ground grabs or “Nagewaza” throws.

This high-end Samue is suitable for mixed use, whether indoors or outdoors. It is perfect for practicing relaxation, yoga, Zazen seated meditation, shiatsu & Reiki, as well as Ninpo's Junan Taiso muscle flexibility exercises.

Available in black, navy and white (non-solid designs) and sizes M, L and 2L, our Luxe Samue Sashiko embodies authentic Japanese elegance and quality